My name is Garrain Stephán Jones.
I AM a powerful force of love and freedom, inspiring greatness within myself and others.
I AM a follower of Jesus Christ and I listen to trap music, then switch it to classical the very next song.
Yes, I know it’s quite the dynamic, but that’s Garrain for you.
At the age of 32, I was a few hundred thousand dollars in debt.
I had more than fifteen parking tickets at one time.
I had no real connection with my family.
My girlfriend had just broken up with me, and I ruined my relationship with my daughter.
I was an ex-convict, who lived out of my car for nearly two and a half years.
I didn’t care whether I lived or died.
But today, 10 years later, I'm a multi-millionaire, I have a beautiful relationship with my daughter, I have a beautiful wife and newborn...
And I'm living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and impact!